‘The Hills are Alive’ 60” x 36” Oil on canvas

‘The Hungry Tide’ 60” x 30” Oil on canvas

‘The Message’ 60” x 30” Oil on canvas

‘The Escape’ 60” x 36” Oil on canvas

‘Swallows Circle in Shimmering Light’ 36” x 24” Oil on canvas

‘When the River changes her Mind’ 36” x 24

Oil on canvas

‘The Mountains Golden Chorus’ 36” x 24

Oil on canvas

‘If it be your Will’ 36” x 24” Oil on canvas

‘Illuminate’ 60” x 36” Oil on canvas

Encounter’ 60” x 36” Oil on canvas

‘Alone in the Golden Sanctuary’ 60” x 36”

‘The Salmon Eaters’ 36” x 24

‘Aesops’ Fox’ 20” x 16” Oil on canvas

‘When Words Fail’ 36'“ x 24 Oil on canvas